
With my mother☆

On June 17th, my mother came to my apartment. So next day, June 18th, we spent together almost a day. Around 11 O'clock we left apartment and went shopping.
After, we ate lunch where I recommended to her. It is 'Hiraki' . This is food shop for smorgasbord. We can choose what we want to eat.It was delicious and cheap! I had a very good time with my mother!!

2 件のコメント:

haruchan さんのコメント...

I felt you and your mother are really good friend. It is very nice!!

Yuuka♡ さんのコメント...

food of this picture looks so nice!! plesase bring me there someday!! you should eat to-fu moreヽ(●´∀`●)ノha-ha♪